Corpus Delicti

Corpus Delicti

~a short story~

by Jon Rappoport

May 17, 2015


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In the Copper District, he walked through narrow alleys. He sniffed a cascade of fear.

He turned a corner and saw a large man kneeling on the cobblestones. Lying on her back, an old woman was trying to scream but she couldn’t. The large man raised his arm to strike her.

He approached the large man and grabbed his head. He twisted it sharply. The large man fell backwards, looked up at his attacker and then was gone from the world.

He said to himself: I killed a man but I’m not a killer. He sat in his furnished room in the city.

He spoke: “Citizens, who delivers justice? Only the State? Am I now a fugitive? How many cameras captured what I did?”

Some people in the city heard his voice. They didn’t know who he was or where he was.

In his room, he walked over to an old gas stove. He lifted a square grate from a burner. He twisted it into two pieces his hands. He dropped the pieces on the floor.

He twisted the air of the room into a vortex. It began to spin. The light fixture in the ceiling tore loose and fell into the whirlwind and disappeared.

This is new, he thought.

He walked into the bathroom and took a shower and went to bed.


The next morning, as he was getting dressed, a group of policemen dressed in black burst through his door. They were holding shields and automatic weapons. They screamed at him to get down on the floor.

He felt calm. He knew he could take care of these men if he wanted to. He kneeled on the floor. Two men cuffed him and chained his ankles together.

Later, he was led from his jail cell to an assembly hall filled with people.

He was frog-marched to a chair under a spotlight in the middle of the hall and he sat down and allowed his captors to tie him to the back of the chair.

He looked around the room. He saw anger and resentment and fear in people’s eyes. They wanted him punished. They wanted him dead.

An amplified modulated voice said:

“This is a man who has committed a grave transgression. He has asserted himself beyond the needs of the group. He has left the human community. Worse, he has allied himself with an enemy force, in order to gain personal power. Is there anyone here who would seek to forgive him?”


The voice continued: “He has tried to override the public voice. He has made himself his own Law. He has tried to be more than human. He must pay.”

Murmurs throughout the audience.

The voice, again: “We are all victims of oppression. Every citizen of Earth is a victim of oppression. That is our heritage. That is what binds us. From this, we gain collective strength. We gain mutual love. But this man chooses to be different. By what right?”

More silence.

Then, as if a signal had been transmitted, the audience rose and said: “Kill him.”

“Kill him. Kill him.”

The man stretched his arms and broke his ropes and his cuffs. He spread his legs and broke his chains. He stood up.

He rose up into the air above the crowd and said: “What do you want? Do you want love?

A golden radiance filled the hall.

“Do you want healing?”

The radiance entered their bodies, and they were healed of their pains and illnesses.

“Do you want justice? You’ll first have to separate yourselves from each other and live your own lives? Do you understand?”

The people now stared blankly at nothing, as if they had been drugged.

He rose higher in the hall and flew back and forth just under the ceiling.

“Do you think what I’m doing is evil?” he said.

He disappeared.


The next day, the people who had been in the hall went about their business. They seemed not to notice they had been healed. They remembered nothing about what had happened.

Was this the first time they had forgotten?

Or had this occurred many times before?

power outside the matrix


One man who had been in the hall went on to write a book. It was called False Hope. It rose to become a massive best seller.

In it, he argued that any individual who stands outside the “body politic” is, by his very nature, a messenger of destruction. Such an individual seems to offer a way out of the human condition…but this is a grand deception.

“No,” he wrote. “We are all in this together. We have always been together. Any other assertion is a cruel delusion.”

He lived in a large house overlooking a town. Every day he went into the town with a camera and filmed the residents—and then at night he would sit in his kitchen and watch the footage.

He didn’t know why. He only knew it gave him comfort to see people doing the same thing every day, speaking more or less the same words every day. This was reality. He imagined that some higher voice was, with great benevolence, instructing people how to behave, so that they would maintain their essential Group-ness.

This was vital. This was the glue that kept people connected.

As he watched the footage every night, hatred would spread through his body like poison. He had no idea why. He would reach for his bottle of pills. The pills would calm him down.

Sedated, he would often see himself as a fish swimming far below the surface of a lake. Smoothly moving along, he would eat smaller fish.

When he had eaten several dozen fish, he would be able to go to bed and sleep.

On this night as the famous author slept, he dreamed he was a captain of law enforcement. Dressed in black, he was leading his squad through back alleys searching for an enemy. He tried to recall who the enemy was. He strained, but he couldn’t bring back the memory.

No matter, he thought. Someone knows. Someone has given the order. This is my work. I carry out my assignment. Every assignment is for the greater good. It must be.

He turned a corner and saw an old woman fleeing in the distance.

Closer, there was a familiar figure kneeling over a large man, who was dead. The figure lifted the large man and put him on his feet, twisted his neck, and with a snapping sound the large man came back to the world.

The two stood close to each other.

“Look at me,” the figure said. The large man looked at him. “I gave you justice once,” the figure said, “and I can do it again. Do you understand?”

The large man nodded.

“Go away now,” the figure said. “Consider your life.”

The dreamer wanted his camera, so he could record this event, so he could alert his bosses that a crime had been committed. A man had brought another man back to life.

Surely, that act was punishable by death.

Behind him, the captain heard his men chanting quietly, “All same. All same. We all same.”

Again, he felt poison spreading through his body. He thought: where are my pills. I need sustenance. I need help.

He stood paralyzed for a long time.

The author came to realize he was dreaming.

But he couldn’t exit the dream.

He thought: I’ll be here forever.

Panic rose in him like a great wave.

And then he heard a voice say, “You’ll be all right.”

He woke up in his bed and saw the figure in the alley walking out of the room.


The press reported: “Today, in midtown, a bizarre event. The author of a famous best seller was arrested for breaking into a warehouse where copies of his book were stored and burning down the building. Fire fighters responded quickly to an alarm, and no one was injured. A police spokesman told reporters the man claimed he was despondent because his brother recently died after a long illness. But a search of records shows no such brother exists.”

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

4 comments on “Corpus Delicti

  1. From Québec says:

    I love your story, Jon.

    Imagine a world where flowers, trees, rivers, mountains, were all the same.
    Imagine a world where countries, cities, streets, houses and cars were all the same.
    Imagine a world where animals and people all look the same.
    Imagine a world where music, songs, paintings, books and movies were all the same.

    What a boring world, it would be!

    So why do people want to think and react all in the same way?
    Why have people always dressed to follow the fashion of the year?

    What is so scary about being different?
    What is so scary about being an individual?
    What is so scary about having provocative thoughts and actions?

    Nothing at all.

    In fact, it is very exciting and fulfilling.

    • Michael Burns says:

      Imagine a world with none of that. No movies, books, music, paintings or cars, streets, and cities existed.
      No 7 billion copies…now that’s a painting.

  2. Daniel Cunningham says:

    Oh, yes! No android can understand this, much less comprehend the meaning. This is FREEDOM, this is creating your OWN reality, this is what I want in my life. Thank you, Jon, thank you!

  3. Michael Burns says:

    Interesting story. It creates interesting visuals Jon.
    I like it.

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